Adjustment of the schedule for procurement and works of The Skandia Gateway Project
The Skandia Gateway project has been waiting for a decision from the European Commission regarding the EU State Aid rule. The Commission has decided on November 17th not to raise objections to the aid which allows the project to continue.

The Port of Gothenburg will now start the works for reinforcing the quay with the goal of completion by the end of 2027.
The Swedish Maritime Administration will adjust the schedule regarding the dredging works based on the updated schedule of the quay works. The dredging works will start in August 2026 and then continue until May 2027. Limited turbid works, such as foundation works for fairway markings and handling of slopes, are allowed during the period of May to August. The plan is to complete all works regarding dredging and fairway markings during 2027.

The procurement of dredging works will be announced in November 2024 with a tender period of about 11 months after which there will be an initial establishment period of about 9 months before contracted works are executed for the Skandia Gateway project.
For more information regarding the quay works please visit the Port of Gothenburg´s website.
For questions regarding the dredging and fairway works please contact the project manager at the Swedish Maritime Administration Jenny Röström.
Last updated 2023-12-12