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Sökresultat - Sound%20VTS%202011.pdf

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NEW MANDATORY SHIP REPORTING SYSTEM "IN THE SOUND BETWEEN DENMARK AND SWEDEN" (SOUNDREP) THE ... a new mandatory ship reporting system "In the Sound between Denmark and Sweden" (SOUNDREP), as set out

Mandatory ship reporting system in the Sound between Denmark and Sweden. Online Reporting www.soundvts ... be broadcasted. The call sign is “Sound Traffic” and the Sound area is divided in two sectors with

invoiced transit pilotage assignments in Öresund (the Sound) per calendar year. 2. Pilot assistance refers ... include transit pilotage in the Sound, deep sea pilotage or the Sound pilotage. 3. Boarding place refers

invoiced transit pilotage assignments in Öresund (the Sound) per calendar year. 2. Notification refers to ... include transit pilotage in the Sound, deep sea pilotage or the Sound pilotage. 4. Boarding place refers

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