Formal Conditions for Market Dialogue
As a governmental agency and enterprise, The Swedish Maritime Administration must comply with certain rules in its contacts with companies concerning procurements.

The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA) has to comply with the Swedish Public Procurement Act. Therefore, the fundamental principles of this act concerning equal treatment, non-discrimination and transparency must be considered throughout the market dialogue.
Due to The Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act, the basic principle is that all incoming data and documents provided to the SMA become official and can be requested by the public and the media.*
This means that:
* The market dialogue begins with an information meeting about the SMA’s forthcoming projects. All participants at the meeting are gathered together and given the same information.
* In order to guarantee that all participants get the chance to answer the same questions, the SMA has produced a questionnaire for the individually booked meetings.
* Answers to general questions, asked by participants during the individual meetings, will be compiled and distributed by email to all participants.
* Notes will be taken during the individual meetings. These notes, as well as any written information submitted to the SMA, become official documents. For details considered trade secrets by the participants, secrecy may be requested, but cannot be guaranteed.
* Suppliers that are unable to attend at the event may still take part of the information material. Answers to general questions asked during the individual meetings will also be available on the SMA’s dredging website,
*For more information, please refer to the Public Procurement Act (2016:1145) and the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:4).

You are applying to participate in the market dialogue using the procurement tool where the invitation is published with the following title: “22-02375: A Large Number of Prospective Dredging Projects in Sweden – The Swedish Maritime Administration arranges a Market Dialogue”.
At the market dialogue, the Swedish Maritime Administration wants to meet contractors that have the machinery and experience required to accomplish dredging projects of the same size as our forthcoming projects. Consequently, to participate in the market dialogue, contractors must meet certain conditions. Read more about this in the invitation at
Last updated 2022-04-28