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Search results - Routes to Helsingborg

422 hits for Routes to Helsingborg on the whole website

environmental effects of underwater explosions with methods to mitigate impacts. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St

information contained in this documentation is subject to change without notice. Sjöfartsverket (Swedish Maritime

survival craft; .2 IMO publication - A pocket guide to cold water survival; och .8 IMO Resolution A.624(

H.: The Stability of Bottom and Banks Subjected to the Velocities in the Propeller Jet behind Ships ... Coastal Conference 2009 /12/ PIANC Considerations to reduce environmental impacts of vessels. PIANC report

H.: The Stability of Bottom and Banks Subjected to the Velocities in the Propeller Jet behind Ships ... Coastal Conference 2009 /12/ PIANC Considerations to reduce environmental impacts of vessels. PIANC report

krävs 34 Resolution A.760(18), Symbols related to life-saving appliances and arrangements, ändrad ... 752(18)36. 36 Resolution A.760(18), Symbols related to life-saving appliances and arrangements, ändrad

Granfj. To ta l-P , µ g/ l 0 20 40 60 80 Galten Blacken Västeråsfj. Granfj. To ta l-N

IALA International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities UKC Under

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4-.? St Tas2A’ a en 5L414.Qbtin Rkjö-Sur wc *To shälla Blackery 4 dL —% Ängsholmeii Grundby asxl

mjukbottenfauna utfördes den 23 till 25 maj 2016. To- talt undersöktes 25 stationer (Tabell 1, Figur

angett Inbesparade isbrytarkostnader för staten To ta lt nu vä rd e ex kl in ve st er in

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4 WinMos Activity 1 A case study on EEDI effects to winter navigation. 2017-10-30 15-03414-68

rekommen- deras, se recommendation 2 ”Guidance Relating to Ice Accretion” i ”Recommendations by the Conference”

kompletterande klassningskriterier har halter av to- talkväve, TBT, PCB och Hg använts. Lera avser främst

kompletterande klassningskriterier har halter av to- talkväve, TBT, PCB och Hg använts. Lera avser främst

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temporal distribution of harbour porpoises in relation to their prey. PhD thesis. Dep. of Arctic Environment

kompletterande klassningskriterier har halter av to- talkväve, TBT, PCB och Hg använts. Lera avser främst

Approach Channels, A Guide for Design" Supplement to Bulletin No. 95. PIANC. Sjöfart, S. S. (2008)

motsvarar drygt nio procent. Antalet lotsade timmar har to- talt sett minskat med drygt fyra procent. Under