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Search results - New Seatime

115 hits for New Seatime on the whole website

interspersed here and there with thicker floes. New ice occurred off the northern coast of the Bay of ... drifted south-westward over to the Swedish side and new ice formed by night in leads and open areas. Ice

persisted until the end of march, when a new cold spell started. some new ice was formed at sea in the southern ... Open water (<1 10) nyis>New ice (1−3/10) Nyis Nyis New ice (7−9/10) New ice (4−6/10) Jämn is Level

Application (a) These Regulations shall apply to all new tankers of 500 tons gross tonnage and over, inciuding

archipelagoes in the Quark new ice formed. h ow- ever by n ew y ear the new ice formation stopped as mild ... northerly winds formed a wide lead covered with new ice from malören to k emi. but at the end of march

levels. 1.3 Application 1.3.1 The Code applies to new ships of 1,600 tons gross tonnage and over. 1.3 ... SJÖFS 2002:17 224 1.3.3 The Code should apply to new ships of less than 1,600 tons gross tonnage, as far

before then , !arge areas had been covered with new ice on two occasions which, however, had soon broken ... Mycket spridd drivis Very open ice (1-3/10) Nyis New ice Jämn is Level ice Vallar och upptomad is

sheltered coves , even as far south as Västervik . New ice appeared fora few days early and late in December ... season concluded her expedition . The ODEN, the new Swedish ice-breaker built by Götaverken Arendal

at sea until the end of February, except of some new ice, which temporarily was formed in the northernmost ... POSITIONS of ICEBREAKERS and WATERTEMPERATURES New ice or nilas (<5 cm) level fast ice (><5 cm) open>

which affects estimated time of departure occurs a new estimated time of departure shall be reported as

ställningstagande vid en agendapunkt på FN-mötet i New York under augusti. IHO och även ett antal av dess

south of Skel- lefteå. But in the beginning of the new year the winter came with cold weather. January

that goal through the deployment of existing and new low-carbon technologies -The 2°C Scenario (2DS)

D Post Panamax plus (2014-) 12 500 TEU E Post New Panamax (2006-) 15 000 TEU 397 X 56 X 15,5 Super

with the early and severe icewinter 1965/66. The new formed ice at the coast drifted with weak north-westerly

of symbols Nyis eller mycket tunn is (<5 cm)>New ice or nilas Jämn, fast is ( >5 cm ) Leve Z.,