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MSW Reportal


Information about our services.

Deep sea pilotage

The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA), ISO 9001-certified since 2003, provides deep sea pilotage in the water area between Sweden and Denmark and in the Baltic Sea:

  • from all Swedish ports.
  • to all ports in the Baltic Sea area.
  • to all Swedish ports when coming from a Swedish port.
  • inbound to the Baltic Sea area. 

Swedish pilots, employed by SMA, provide a high quality, safe and efficient pilotage service in order to minimize risks for the shipping industry.

The Swedish Maritime Administration’s Pilots have:

  • Knowledge of all the TSS in the area.
  • Ice knowledge.
  • Information about weather, water levels and ice conditions.

All Swedish deep sea pilots are certified red card pilots and they completed a IMO-based training program following IMO resolution A.480. These pilots are all experienced captains and are usually working as harbour pilots. The task for these certified pilots is to manage large vessels while they are in transit and to ensure that the risk of a maritime or environmental disaster is kept to a minimum. The presence of our certified red card pilots will improve the overall safety for your vessel when operating in the Baltic Sea area.

Read our Terms and Conditions

Crew change

It is possible to change crew and load/unload small packages by order or in connection with pilot embarkation/disembarkation.

We have introduced an improved transit passage service in the Sound (Öresund). When ordering Swedish pilot for the transit passage there will be a possibility to order for crew change, service engineers or taking onboard small spare parts if needed.

The order for this service should be placed at the same time as the pilot order is placed.

This same service is given when ordering Swedish pilot for deep sea pilotage when the vessel is passing the Sound. One great advantage when performing the crew change in the sound is that crew can come onboard at M1 buoy (Helsingborg) and the off signing crew can leave 3-4 hours later in the southern part of the Sound (Malmö) allowing good time for hand over. Very good connections are available from Copenhagen Air Port to the Malmö Pilot station which takes approximately 30 minutes.

Last updated 2022-12-06