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MSW Reportal


Position 59° 19,7'N 017° 54,5'E; Chart 111

Swing bridge

Vertical clearance: 12 m
Horizontal clearance: 24 m

Nautical information

From July 20 to August 31, the bridge will be closed to recreational boats and will thus not be opened for these vessels during this period.

This is due to recurring technical issues where the bridge was stuck in the open position and thus prevented road traffic to and from island Ekerö. Vertical clearance is 12 meters.

Critical commercial traffic is exempt.

For information on alternative routes for maritime traffic, we refer to the nautical chart.

Refer to Swedish NtM 18607(T)

Non-opening hours valid all times

The bridge does not open during normal working days Mon-Fri 0610-0900 and 1410-1900. Sundays and holidays: 1410-1900.

Non-opening hours for merchant vessels bound for Hässelby - valid all times

The bridge does not open during normal working days Mon-Fri 07.10-09.00 and 15.10-1800. Sundays and holidays: 1510-1800.

Opening hours

May 1 - October 15
Opening of the bridge is available after request during 10 minutes every hour between 0600 and 2210. Refer to non-opening hours.

October 16 - April 30
Opening of the bridge is available after request during 10 minutes every hour between 0900 and 1600. Refer to non-opening hours.

Merchant vessels

Merchant vessels may receive opening at other times after request.

Contact information

Bridge master: phone +46 (0)70-622 49 68 or +46 (0)73 523 47 75.

Request for bridge opening: Normal working days 0700-2200. Sat-Sun: 0900-1600. Bridge opening shall be made within an hour after request for bridge opening has been received.

Last updated 2024-07-19