Main port of Oxelösund
Main port of Oxelösund is the deepest natural port in the Baltic sea, serving vessels from small coasters to aframax size vessels.
Maximum vessel size and draft concerning the Oxelösund area
PMD | UKC | |
Kränkan - Vinterklasen | 15,5 | 4,5 |
Oxelösunds main port berth 9 ½ - 11
- All vessels may shift along the quay during darkness
- During shifting along the quay, only one pilot is required regardless of arrival/departure requirement.
Berth 11 | PMD | UKC |
QL = 105 m | 12,7 | 0,6 |
Max vessels (m) | Distance to other moored vessels during maneuvering | Darkness |
230 x 43 - 250 x 45 | Berth 9½ and 10 empty | No |
230 x 33 - 250 x 43 | At least 190 m | No |
200 x 33 - 230 x 43 | At least 140 m | No (1) |
185 x 30 - 200 x 33 | At least 90 m | Yes |
185 x 28 - 200 x 30 | At least 70 m | Yes |
150 x 28 - 185 x 28 | At least 40 m (2) | Yes |
< 150 x 28 | Safe distance | Yes |
(1) May arrive and depart in darkness providing berth 9½ -10 is empty
(2) At departure the distance to moored vessels may be reduced to 20 m providing the moored vessel have a beam of maximum 15 m.
Quay 10 | PMD | UKC |
QL = 250 m | 12,6* | 0,6 |
* 15,5 m draft 5 meters out from berth (using fenderpontoons)
Quay 9 1/2 | PMD | UKC |
QL = 138 m | 11,2* | 0,6 |
* 15,5 m draft 5 meters out from berth (using fenderpontoons)
Max vessel (m) | Dinstance to moored vessels during maneuvering | Darkness |
230 x 43 - 250 x 45 | At least 40 m | No |
145 x 33 - 230 x 43 | At least 40 m | Yes |
130 x 33 - 145 x 33 | At least 30 m | Yes |
< 130 x 33 | Safe distance | Yes |
Berth 8 | PMD | UKC |
QL = 138 m | 7,3* | 0,5 |
* Less water in inner corner however vessels don't reach that far.
RORO - Width of ramp = 7,5 m
Distance from berth to centre of ramp = 10 m
Max vessel (m) | Distance to moored vessel during maneuvering | Darkness |
170 x 28 | N/A | Yes |
Berth 7 | PMD | UKC |
QL = 100 m | 9,0 | 0,5 |
Berth 4-6 | PMD | UKC |
QL = 245 m | 8,0 | 0,5 |
Berth 3 | PMD | UKC |
QL = 148 m | 7,3 | 0,5 |
Max vessel (m) | Vessel moored at berth 8 | Distance to moored vessels during maneuvering | Darkness |
185 x 33 - 230 x 33 | No | At least 40 m (1) | No |
175 x 28 - 185 x 33 | No | At least 40 m (1) | Yes |
145 x 25 - 175 x 28 | Yes | At least 40 m (2) | Yes |
130 x 25 - 145 x 25 | Yes | At least 30 m | Yes |
< 130 x 25 | Yes | Safe distance | Yes |
(1) Not allowed with vessels at berth 3-8
(2) Not allowed with vessels at berth 3-8 larger than 170 x 28
Wind and visibility restrictions, Port of Oxelösund
Max size vessel (m) 230 x 43 -250 x 45
Visibility >2NM
At average winds between 6-9 m/s, SMA pilots will make an evaluation whether the vessel can be safely navigated through fairways and in port. This evaluation is based on previous calls to the pilot area, direction of wind, daylight, current sail area and other factors effecting the maneuverability of the vessel. The evaluation is made as soon as possible after pilot has been booked, however factors may change and so also the decision to enter port or not.
At average winds exceeding 9 m/s, SMA pilots will not accept pilotage.
Max size vessel (m) 230 x 33 -250 x 43
Visibility >2NM
At average winds between 9-11 m/s, SMA pilots will make an evaluation whether the vessel can be safely navigated through fairways and in port. This evaluation is based on previous calls to the pilot area, direction of wind, daylight, current sail area and other factors effecting the maneuverability of the vessel. The evaluation is made as soon as possible after pilot has been booked, however factors may change and so also the decision to enter port or not.
At average winds exceeding 11 m/s, SMA pilots will not accept pilotage.
Max size vessel (m) 185 x 33 -230 x 33
Visibility >2NM
At average winds between 11-13 m/s, SMA pilots will make an evaluation whether the vessel can be safely navigated through fairways and in port. This evaluation is based on previous calls to the pilot area, direction of wind, daylight, current sail area and other factors effecting the maneuverability of the vessel. The evaluation is made as soon as possible after pilot has been booked, however factors may change and so also the decision to enter port or not.
At average winds exceeding 13 m/s, SMA pilots will not accept pilotage.
Max size vessel (m) >185
Visibility acceptable to Master & Pilot
SMA pilots will make an evaluation whether the vessel can be safely navigated through fairways and in port. This evaluation is based on previous calls to the pilot area, direction of wind, daylight, current sail area and other factors effecting the maneuverability of the vessel. The evaluation is made as soon as possible after pilot has been booked, however factors may change and so also the decision to enter port or not.
Wind and visibility shall be based on SMHI’s weather station “Hävringe” in position (N58 36 E17 19) and real time observations at ViVa station “Vinterklasen”
Last updated 2023-09-04