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MSW Reportal

Projects and focus areas

Here you can find a selection of our stakes within the research and innovation field.

Shore-based Navigation Support

Extensive work is carried out to develop the concept "Shore-based Navigation Support" as a complement to traditional pilotage. Between 2022 and 2024, the Swedish Maritime Administration intends to, together with the Swedish shipping industry and academia, undertake extensive system demonstrations of use cases in various trial areas to develop the concept. One use case consists of ships that will use Shore-based Navigation Support quite far into the port approach. The project will produce reports and decision material for future introduction of Shore-based Navigation Support in Sweden.

SAR 2.0

In 2019, a comprehensive analysis was carried out. The objective was to conclude what the conditions for public sea- and airborne rescue will look like in 2027-2037. Various future scenarios were discussed and the results became compiled in a report entitled "SAR 2.0 Future sea- and airborne rescue" where, among other things, the need to ensure resources was identified as an important piece of the puzzle. This in turn, has led to the initiation of three new collaborative projects and initiatives during 2020-2021.

Fleet of the future

The Swedish Maritime Administration and shipping in general face a challenge to drastically reduce their environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions. Sweden strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from domestic transport, which also includes domestic shipping, by at least 70 percent by 2030 compared with 2010. Government agencies should be pioneers in the transition. This conversion will require a combination of measures in both operational and technical energy efficiency, fuel change and new ship concepts. The Swedish Maritime Administration runs its own internal change projects and collaborates with other actors and participates in national and European R&D projects.

Winter Navigation Research

The Swedish-Finnish collaboration on winter navigation research was established in 1972 and is funded by the maritime authorities in the two countries. A winter navigation research council administers the program. Within the program, annual announcements are made for research projects.

Project proposals

The Winter Navigation Research Board is requesting project proposals for research, development or demonstration projects concerning winter navigation in the Baltic Sea. This year we are especially looking for projects concerning the Finnish Swedish Ice Class Rules (FSICR): development of model tests for determining minimum power requirement, development of requirements for towing arrangements and  the status of the rules with regard to future challenges. Please see the call for projects for more information.

Project applications should be submitted using this form no later than 15 September 2024. 

Icebreaker Ymer
Icebreaker Ymer. Photo: Ove Nilsson

Last updated 2021-06-24