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miljöledningsarbetet 2023.pdf Miljöledningsrapport_Sjöfartsverket_2023.pdf

år fick de ge sig mot besättningen på bil- och passag- erarfärjan Solsund, som trafikerar Oskars- hamn

PASSAGE PLAN OXELÖSUND Not for navigation OXELÖSUND PILOTS VHF Channel: 10 Pilot boat: VHF 10 Phone:

Ice was compressed at the Swedish coast and the passage past Understen became difficult. New ice covered

between Farstugrund and Falkensgrund and the passage outside Bjuröklubb. Due to the strong, in general

and drifted northward. During a few days the passage past Understen was difficult. 3-6 April a belt

Argos grund. Later on the helt drifted out in the passage at Grundkallen. During later part of February ... ofHämösand (N 6240) anda helt of shuga in the passage past Understen (Southern Quark). 21,.,22 March

Grundkallen and there was a 10- 15 nm wide open passage along the coast. 15- 19 March the compressed ice ... Swedish coast and obstructed the navigation in the passage northwest of Bornholm. The Bight of Hanö was more

Enstaka flak väst om Norrskär medför osäker passage Nordvalen sydvart längs finska kusten. 18 Isen