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MSW Reportal

Sökresultat - Fartbegransningar Gota alv

39 träffar på Fartbegransningar Gota alv inom hela webbplatsen

could see would last during most of the winter. We got stuck in a weather pattern with northeast going ... started to rot. This was a winter which never really got going. A constant flow of northeast going lows over

mid-December, and the ice that had already developed got compressed to form a belt off the Finnish coast, ... of Bothnia, while the ice in the Bay of Bothnia got compacted towards the north. Soon, however, the

Irbenskij G.Sandön Fårö SLITE VISBY Hoburg GOT

to the Baltic Sea but the ice-situation rapidly got bet- ter on the Swedish side so the Balder Viking ... ÄLV 18/12-4/4 The ice-situation on the Göta Älv got in the middle of December so hard that the first

Sundsvall and southward a lead was opened and the lead got wider. Thus, when the ice pressure ceased 15 February ... southwestern coast continued du- ring March. The lead got wider and opened eastwards north of Åland to Raumo

nearest to the cost. On several occasions, the new ice got rapidly compacted in the northern archipelago. A ... the ice in the Vänersborg Bight and Kinneviken got compacted. March 6 March The first week of

antalet larmade enheter var fler alternativt nå- got fler under september och oktober 2023 jämfört med

Positionen på fasta och flytande sjömärken kan vara nå- got felaktig eftersom alla dessa ännu inte blivit inmätta

antalet larmade enheter var fler alternativt nå- got fler under september och oktober 2023 jämfört med

Del 2.5 Norrköping 1977 LF / ALLF 177 77 032 GOT AB, Stockholm 1977 I N N E H Ä L L S F Ö R T ... linje 20 nm syd Almagrundet - 35 nm väst Ristna. På Got l and förekom is i vissa hamnar och på Västkusten

kulminerade 18-21 februari. Då var endast sjön sydost om Got- land isfri. P.g.a . de förhärskande nordostliga

Del 2.5 Norrköping 1978 LF / ALLF 177 78 034 GOT AB, Stockholm 1978 I N N E H Ä L L S F Ö R T

Bay of Bothnia, while on the Finnish side the ice got compressed against the coast. The mild weather

central Sea of Bothnia the surface water never got colder than about 1 degree above zero. Maximum ice